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October Challenge Week 3: Mini-Goals

Now that you have made a motivational list and translated it into pictures, it’s time to switch gears briefly form the big picture to the smallest picture.

You’ve crafted your long-term vision, but how do you get from here to there?  Day by day, of course 🙂 Now you know a little bit about what your end result might look like and why you want to get there, so all we have to do is build a bridge from here to there.

Mini-goals are the perfect tools to build that bridge.  Long-term goals are good to have, but life doesn’t always go according to plan and it can be hard to know for sure what life will look like six months from now.  However, if you build your long-term goals out of a series of mini-goals, you will likely end up where you intended!

What is a mini-goal?  Any small step that will get you closer to your vision of success.  Some examples and ideas:

  • Drinking 8 glasses of water a day (or the amount of water appropriate for your activity level)
  • Tracking your food and exercise
  • Completing all of your workouts
  • Cooking dinner at home every night
  • Walking 30 minutes a day
  • Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night
  • Doing 10 push-ups a day

Since we’re halfway through the month, we are going to come up with mini-goals to focus on for the last two weeks of October. Your task is to create and complete one mini-goal to complete between now and October 31 to help you get closer to your long-term goals.

My mini-goal: to complete my planned pull-up workouts for the next two weeks.  I have been struggling to find the time to get all 3 of my pull-up workouts in each week, but I will not reach my long-term goal if I only do those workouts once or twice a week.  So, by October 31, I need to have completed 6 pull-up workouts in order to complete my mini-goal.

You don’t have to choose a mini-goal from the list of examples.  Maybe you want to find new healthy recipes or try a new workout, or maybe you need new workout clothes.  Maybe you want to run 3 minutes a day or try meditating a few times to help manage your stress.  Set a small and specific goal that will help you get a tiny bit closer to your big goals between now and the end of October.  (Bonus points for adding your mini-goal to your inspiration board!)

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