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2019: Time to FEAR

F. E. A. R.Sometimes, cliché workout motivation works. Sometimes, it sticks with you. That’s how my inspiration for the studio for 2019 I was born: FEAR.

The trite image stood out to me – forget everything and run, or face everything and rise? It truly is a question that deserves a place not on the gym wall, but in our hearts as we seek to make changes and grow and fully express our greatness.

I am not leaving you the option, though. I am only saying: face everything and rise.

Rise above all of your own excuses and devices that hold you back from your goals. Rise above the silly jokes and sarcastic remarks that cover up how worried you are that you might not be able to succeed, or that you’re not worth saving, or that you will try your best and it won’t work (which literally never happens, because your best is amazing). Rise above the fact that you’ve tried before and failed, or rise with it and let it be just another part of your journey. Rise above the easy answer of shrugging it off because things are hard, or because you’re busy, or traveling, or always angry because of the news. Rise above not wanting to ask me because you’re afraid of what I’ll say. Rise so high that none of those thoughts can even grab at your ankle.

I hope we can all soar this year. I’ll be here to give you a boost – you’ll just have to face everything, one tiny bit at a time.