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Summer Fitness Bingo!

summer fitness fun bingoLet’s have some summer fun for our August challenge.

Pick up your Summer Fitness Bingo card at the studio, or click this link to print a card from home.

Challenge yourself – using the activities you complete in August, can you fill in a horizontal line?  A vertical one?  A diagonal one?  Two diagonal ones? The outside frame (12 squares)?  Or maybe even the whole card?!  Stay connected with us on Facebook to find out about how to redeem your completed bingo card for a prize.

The Bonus Workouts to fill in spaces you might need on your card are:

Bonus Workout #1:

At least 4 rounds of 25 jumping jacks, 2 minutes of walking lunges, and 25 plank jacks (in that order), with no more than 1 minute of break between rounds.  Note your total time and # of rounds on your card.

Bonus Workout #2:

At least 4 rounds of: 10 squats, 10 jump squats, and 10 push-ups (wall push-ups count!) (in that order), with no more than 1 minute of break between rounds.  Note your total time and # of rounds on your card

Bonus Workout #3:

At least 4 rounds of: 10 lunges on one side, followed by 10 lunge pulses, 10 lunges on the other side, followed by 10 lunge pulses, and a plank for at least 30 seconds, with no more than 1 minute of break between rounds.  Note your total time and # of rounds on your card.

Bonus Workout #4:

Make up your own workout combination of three moves and repeat it for at least 4 rounds.  (Napping isn’t a workout move.)  Note your workout on your card.

Remember to work at your own level and consult your health professional before modifying your fitness routine.

Questions?  Leave a comment here or contact Tiny Fitness through Facebook or Instagram.  Most important rule: have fun!

PS – how are your miles?

It’s not too late to reach your mileage goal.  Did you forget?