See results fast with personal training...
...join the Zumba Fitness party...
...or just let it all go in a Recovery Workshop...
...but whatever you do, start today for an even better tomorrow.

Check out some Tiny Fitness success stories and get ready to add yours to the list.
Elizabeth and her team train in Montrose, just minutes from Downtown, Midtown, the Heights, and River Oaks.
PS – our website is fun, but working out with us is even better. Let’s get started together today so you can see results next week.
I have been training clients full-time for more than 10 years now, long enough that I've seen some trends rise and fall twice or more (looking…
Eleven things you might not know about me as a trainer!
This week my tiny change at the studio is to make space - make sure you are leaving some empty space to allow life to expand!