Note from Elizabeth: Brie completed a total body circuit this week – and then some! Circuit training is a great way to prevent plateaus, as it gets your muscles out of their routine and often allows you to complete more reps than straight sets would. (Brie doesn’t have to worry about plateaus yet, but I always try to plateau-proof my clients as much as possible.) Properly planned circuits can also be great calorie torchers if the cardio comes at the right times, in the right proportions, and at the right intensity for your fitness level.
I’m BACK! So, I missed a week last week due to illness and I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to get in my work out with Elizabeth, but this week I am back and I am ready!
This week’s work out was definitely a challenge. Elizabeth set up circuits of exercises that I had to do 4 times. I told her from the beginning, “I cannot do four, I just can’t!”
I started out with a defeated attitude. I did 2 circuits and said, “I don’t think I can finish,” but I took a break and regrouped and got through another circuit.
On the last circuit when Elizabeth said, ” You did it!,” I thought to myself – I sure did.
I couldn’t believe that I actually did something that I was so convinced I could not do. Not only did I do it, as I finished each circuit, I noticed that I was getting better at each exercise. I was improving! Me, improving….exercising and get better at it? No way!!!! But it happened.
I have also noticed that the more I exercise and the better I eat, the more motivated I am to change other habits, like smoking. I have noticed that when I climb the stairs at my apartment, I am no longer lugging myself up each step. I actually lightly jog up the steps, which is a big deal to me. I can carry groceries up the stairs without being winded! That’s huge for me.
The homework that Elizabeth gives me is very challenging and I have yet to complete the entire list each week, but it is something that I am working on and trying to give my all. I am determined by the week after the next workout to get everything done on my homework list. I think the biggest difference is that I am really trying my best and I have wonderful guidance and support in Elizabeth.
See ya next week!