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Five for Friday #1

I thought I’d rescue some blog post ideas that have been stuck in the queue for too long and share them in all their naked glory!  If you hate this post, please comment and let me know…otherwise these will pop up from time to time to share some of the unpolished tips and ideas that I think you might enjoy.


1. If you’re going to eat empty carbs, could they at least look like this?

2. How to know if you’re eating enough or if you need to change your macros, in the briefest notes possible:

Decrease in bodyfat % and inches = working out at a sufficient challenge level for your body + eating the right amount of food for you.
Decrease in bodyfat %, inches and weight = the above + eating the right macronutrient ratio.
Decrease in inches but not in weight or bodyfat % = working out at a sufficient challenge level but not eating enough and/or not getting enough protein and fat.
Decrease in inches but increase in weight = working out at a sufficient challenge level but eating more than your body needs.
Decrease in hip or arm but not waist = stress too high/sleep too low and/or deeper medical concerns.

3. Results are made from quality, not quantity, of work, backed up by consistency.

4. Would it be total chaos to host a mommy-and-me workout in which “me” could be your human child or your canine fur child? (Sorry, cats…unless you’re leash-trained.)  Like, the bad kind of chaos?

5. It’s a good time to ask yourself if the stories you tell yourself are true – is it really too hard/hot outside/tiring to cook/go for a walk/grocery shop/do that other thing (whatever it is) that would really help you?  Are you really doing your best?  Is there a reason you don’t want to do your best?  Are you just burnt out and trying to cover?  I’m gentle with excuses because I know they’re just fear in a clever costume, but they have to be confronted eventually.


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