Did you make it for all 4 minutes? For at least 20 seconds? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, feel free to rewind real quick to week 6 (and if you feel like you need to catch up a bit more, you can check out weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 if you want to, or just join us here in week 7.) I’m here with your seventh tiny change this week, and you’re probably already doing it. ALSO, exciting: next week we will be halfway through the tiny changes we are making this summer!
Prefer to see a video instead of reading? Check out this week’s tip on our YouTube channel instead.
As you may already know, I named my studio Tiny Fitness because I know that the tiny changes are the ones that bring us the biggest results. If you’re tired of starting and stopping, getting “on” and “off” the wagon, plugging away on the treadmill but not seeing any results, or just not sure where to start your fitness journey, this series is for you.
I’ll be posting tips on the blog (use the box on the sidebar to subscribe via email), Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube each week for 9 more weeks. If you miss a day (or more) of work or a week (or more) of tips, just jump back in when you’re ready. You don’t have to “make up” or “catch up” on anything you’ve missed – just keep swimming along with us and we will all make it to the finish line together with some amazing results.

Week 7: Add one superfood to your week.
Superpowers from superfoods!
The term superfood might have fallen out of common use, but I think it’s totally accurate for how hard our nutritional powerhouses can work for us. To oversimplify, a superfood is a food that contains more nutritional benefits than most foods in its fighting class. Most superfoods are full of antioxidants (they fight stress and damage at a cellular level).
A superfood starter list:
Remember, the goal is to make sure you incorporate at least one of these into your food this week!
- berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, goji berries)
- chia, pumpkin, or even sunflower seeds
- anything orange (citrus, sweet potato, mango, peaches, papaya…)
- anything dark green (broccoli, kale, chard, spinach, asparagus…)
- tomatoes
- high quality extra virgin olive oil (I have to put that disclaimer there because olive oil fraud is a real thing)
- fish, especially the oily kind (salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, no I don’t personally eat those)
- nuts (especially almonds, macadamias, and brazil nuts)
(Here’s a little more info on superfoods from Harvard.)
Eating the whole rainbow is an awesome goal to work toward if you’re already eating some of these superfoods on a regular basis!
I also wrote previously about the one question you need to answer for better nutrition.
Why food choices matter….
I’ll just be brief:
- physical health
- fitness
- body fat percentage
- skin tone and quality
- mood
- mental health
…you know the drill. They matter! You can NOT out-exercise a bad diet (repeat: you can work out as hard as you want to, in any format, but your body will still reflect your dietary habits), and while there are pills and potions out there for some of the other things on this quick and kinda flippant list, they’ll work even better in conjunction with food choices that support your goals.
Always make sure to consult your health or fitness professional before modifying your fitness program, and work at a level that feels right for you. If you need to stop at any time, stop!
Need more accountability for these 16 weeks? Comment on our Facebook post for each week’s challenge and I will check in with you to make sure you’re still hanging in there!