You might have gathered that I’m a huge fan of tiny changes – making them, recognizing them, tracking them, celebrating them. But what’s the most important tiny change you can make?
If you’re not sure what your next step is toward your goal, the most important tiny change you can make is to give at least 10 minutes a day to taking the best care of your health and well-being. That might be a 10 minute walk, 3 rounds of squats and wall push-ups, an online dance workout, or a 10 minute nap, 10 minutes to look up and shop for your next healthy dinner recipe, or just 10 minutes of peace and quiet. 10 minutes to reorganize your dresser so you can find your workout clothes more easily? 10 minutes to clean out your fridge?
(Or, 10 minutes of work toward the next step toward your bigger goal!)
(It’s totally ok to stop after 10 minutes. You don’t have to do more.)
Which one of our group classes will I see you for this week?! Don’t forget to keep working to fill in your Zumba tic tac toe card before the contest ends!
- Saturday 9am Bootcamp (meets in the studio parking lot – sign in online and bring your mat)
- Sunday 9am Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
- Monday 6:30pm Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
- Wednesday 7pm Zumba at Jerabeck Athletic Center (class meets upstairs – enter via the main door and use the first staircase on your right) just three more sessions, including this week’s class! Class runs through May 3.
Our full-length online Zumba and Bootcamp video classes are still waiting for you! (get them right here if you haven’t yet)
A couple more links to brighten your week…
- Not a workout, but a little wisdom about how to reorganize your house for you, not for a rainbow-colored pantry full of new organizing tools…
- My fave youtube workouts that aren’t mine, curated just for you
- 15 salad dressings (meal prep sauces, anyone?) to make right now – remember that meal prep doesn’t have to be boring or dry!
See you out in the sunshine! Happy tax day xo