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What is lifestyle change? + weekly studio update

I have been training clients full-time for more than 10 years now, long enough that I’ve seen some trends rise and fall twice or more (looking at you, low carb). “Lifestyle change” is a phrase that was huge when I began training and I’ve heard it creeping back in…but what does it mean to change your lifestyle, really?

For most of my clients, the era of dieting / juice cleansing /restricting food intake under one auspice or another to try to force some quick weight loss is, thankfully, over. Most of us have tried that enough times to know that it doesn’t generally work, and if it does, the loss returns quickly, and with interest.

The next step from there tends to include this “lifestyle change” phrase, which is sometimes code for adopting a specific way of eating, buying a step tracker or smart watch, or learning to like exercising. All of those can be components of an effective lifestyle change, but I think we’re missing a big one here: the life part.

So much of our time goes to things other than taking care of ourselves – we take care of others, sell our time to pay for our needs and luxuries, and zone out in front of screens to “unwind”. The magic really happens when we put ourselves back squarely in the center of our lives, where we belonged all along. It’s not as selfish as it sounds, I promise – it’s the lifestyle change you were looking for.

Just ask yourself: how does this help me reach my goals?

Drinks with a friend? Fun to see the friend, but if the drinks part doesn’t mesh with your goals…can you choose a different activity, or can you make the choices that are right with you if you meet up at your usual spot?

Sleep in 10 more minutes or ooze out of bed and do your five minute workout? Only you know which one you need more from day to day.

Nine more hours at the office? It keeps the lights on for sure, but does it have to give you back and neck pain? How can you fit in some moments to benefit your well-being without taking away from your work – better snacks, a few squats, upgrading to a more ergonomic setup, recruiting a lunchtime walking buddy or podcast, trying on some firmer time boundaries?

Another weekend out to blow off steam? Where’s all the steam coming from? Can you choose an activity that doesn’t derail your week of progress toward your goals, and can you reduce the temperature on the burner that keeps steaming somewhere else in your life?

Two more episodes, or is it bedtime? Again, only you know which one you need more from day to day, but that restorative sleep is just irreplaceable for so many aspects of your health.

None of those activities sound like salad, taking the stairs, or lifting weights…but they are the lifestyle changes that allow us to have the capacity to fit in the workouts and healthier nutrition choices! Lifestyle change is all about opening up some more bandwidth for yourself to take the best care of you, first and foremost. The workout part fits itself in.

Fit in an hour of Zumba with me!

  • Wednesday 6:30pm Zumba at Jerabeck Athletic Center – Halloween costume party 10/23 (free; second floor dance studio, street parking)
  • Sunday 9am Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
  • Monday 6:30pm Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)

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