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Work Out #11 With Elizabeth

The dreaded “stability ball knee tucks” have been on my home work for three weeks and, at the point of my last work out, I had yet to accomplish one. I finally learned how to get my knees onto the ball without taking a nosedive, so I was actually able…

Work Out # 10 With Elizabeth

I hate to say this, and Elizabeth probably loves that I am saying this, but….I love working out with her! In the beginning, I was focused on continuing to lose weight, but it has become more than that. I enjoy going to the Tiny Fitness Studio, working with Elizabeth, and…

Work Out #9 With Elizabeth

This week’s training session with Elizabeth was very interesting. Elizabeth changed up my routine and we did some things that at one time I could not do. Now that I am stronger, I can actually do these exercises! I was really excited that Elizabeth was extra encouraging and motivating this…