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Quiz: Should you work with a personal trainer?

It can be hard to decide about working with a personal trainer.

how to choose a personal trainerTake this quick quiz to find out if you could benefit from personal training!

Earn 2 points for “true”, 0 points for “false”.

  1. I love working out and eating healthy.
  2. I wake up every day feeling happy and healthy.
  3. My self-confidence is so high that I should have my own reality TV show.
  4. I don’t want to change what I’m eating.
  5. I have a workout buddy or crew that helps keep me going.
  6. When I miss a workout or two because of work or “life”, I get right back into my routine ASAP.
  7. I don’t have time to work out.
  8. I take supplements that will help me reach my goals faster than workouts can.
  9. I work out at a challenging level at least 9 times a month, and I know the best workouts for my fitness level and my goals.


12 or more points: Go help your friends get fit – you don’t need me to be your trainer!  Keep up the good work.

8-10 points: I could probably help you get results even faster.  Call me when you’re ready to start training!

0-6 points: Schedule your zero-strings consultation this week – I can’t wait to help you reach your goals. Call (832) 730 – 3048 or email me at