I have come to terms with the fact that I am in a muffin phase – they’re pre-portioned, they put up with a lot of…
Ten essential kitchen tools that will make healthy food prep – and food prep cleanup – a breeze.
I took a classic homemade pop-tart recipe, made the crust high in protein but still tender and delicious, and made sure that you could freeze and re-heat it since the prep takes a few more minutes than my standard oatmeal cookie kind of breakfast. I also filled it with delights…
Food cravings do not, unfortunately, always mean that your body “needs” something that is in the food you’re craving. The hormones that govern sensations of…
This is the fastest meal prep I’ve ever done… …and I did it straight off of the plane from the Zumba Instructor Convention when I could barely keep my eyes open.
Four quick and easy recipes to help you enjoy your summer fruits and veggies in style.
When you are first getting started with preparing your meals in advance for the week, the cooking process can seem really time-consuming and cumbersome. Usually,…
This week’s prep was a fusion between meal prep and cooking…so what’s the difference? To me, “meal prep” is preparing the balanced components of a…
I give these cookies a B+, health-wise; I don’t love baking with protein powder (heat + protein = not the best for you), and I think that quinoa flakes are a little bit on the processed side, but when you compare these to the alternative…eat up!
Is meal prep only for the OCD satisfaction of seeing your refrigerator full of neatly stacked containers? Here are three reasons why fitness people are…