If eating at restaurants and/or parties is a regular part of your life (as in, it happens more than 2-3 times a month), keep reading.…
Here’s how I find MyFitnessPal and similar apps to be helpful for food tracking: For a weekly review. For planning ahead, whether it’s one meal…
Just when I think it’s going out of style, the “1200 calorie myth” crops back up – that is, the idea that 1200 calories is the magic “baseline” number for calorie consumption, or that it is the ideal “weight loss” number, or that it’s the “minimum daily” number.
If you are honestly and thoroughly tracking your exercise and food in MyFitnessPal and you have your goal intake correctly set to reflect your BMR and activity level (NOT the default value that the app fills in), this one number can honestly tell you whether or not you are likely…
Copying meals in MyFitnessPal can save a lot of time on your food tracking – as long as you know the steps! First, tap…