You might remember that I kicked off 2020 with a bang (and so did most of you, if you were training with me!) with our 366 days of tiny changes challenge. Then, 2020 turned into…2020…and no one wanted me to ask about their challenge progress anymore.
I’m ready to end 2020 a tad early and move on to the last 61 days of this interval, which I’m now terming the 2021 Preseason. I’ve rebooted the challenge, focusing just on these few weeks, and I’d love for you to join me! (The tracker link is just below for download, no subscription or anything required.) Remember, this challenge is absolutely not about daily workouts and nonstop healthy eating.
And even if you’re like nah, no challenges, I want you to scroll way down and read the last list of things I deliberately left out of the challenge. There are some great reminders in there, yes, even for you.
I think there’s nothing wrong with calling this year early. It’s your life, and you can do what you want with it, right? Mr. Rogers reminds us that we can choose our feelings, and I have chosen to feel hopeful again and leave some things behind a little early.
Let’s use these last few weeks to redeem the unique experience we’ve had this year and get back to the things that nourish us and move us forward to our best selves. You’re still in there, I promise. So long 2020, hello 2021 preseason.
Conveniently, when I first posted the challenge, I listed 61 ideas for tiny changes that one might make in pursuit of their goals. (I’ve pasted them below as well.) We have exactly 61 days in the preseason! You don’t have to use mine – you’re free to innovate and repeat, as long as you truly believe that what you’re doing is serving you.
Anyway, here’s the tracker. If you don’t have a printer, pass by and pick up a copy any time.
Prizes? Yes indeed. Make sure you follow the studio on some kind of social media (Facebook or Instagram) so you can submit your entry when it’s time.
TEXT ME if you need ideas, ask me at your workouts, drop by with a (gluten- and dairy- and shellfish-free) casserole and chat about it (better yet, just bring coffee), come to open gym time and hash it out with the other people in our tribe… …or just walk… …but seriously, if you work out at my studio, lean on me when you feel like you need support in this challenge. I am h e r e for that. It’s actually my job. (And if you don’t work out with me yet, drop me an email or DM me and let me know how I can help!) Stop trying to turn everything into a fitness activity. Stop obsessing. Stop bingeing and punishing yourself. Stop restricting to the point of bingeing. Live your life so fully and joyfully that you don’t even think about bingeing, restricting, and punishing. Fitness isn’t a chore – it’s using your body the way it’s designed to be used.
Yes, it really CAN be this simple. Here’s why.
61 Tiny Changes.
Take a walk.
Do a HIIT workout (reach out if you’re not sure what to do).
Do some squats and wall push-ups.
Plan your workouts for the week.
Plan your meals for the day (or week).
Breathe deeply.
Meditate (there are guided ones on YouTube for free – reach out if you need a good one).
Practice alternate nostril breathing.
Organize your workout clothing (and get rid of the stuff you don’t like).
Find one new healthy recipe and put the ingredients on your grocery list.
Take a nap.
Drink a glass of water.
Schedule your overdue physical exam.
Go to the pharmacy (at nearly any grocery store or drugstore) and use the machine to take your blood pressure and bodyfat percentage for free. (this one didn’t age well)
Download the Tiny Fitness Jumpstart guide and read the part that interests you.
Download the Tiny Fitness 30 Days of Tiny Changes journal and complete Day 1.
Check out the Tiny Fitness Motivation Toolkit and add something to yours.
Do a Tiny Fitness Workout Wednesday Video (counts even if it’s not Wednesday).
Buy the new shoes/sport bra/socks that don’t fall down/leggings that don’t chafe that you keep forgetting to shop for.
Do a yoga video from YouTube (reach out if you need a good one) or hey, watch our channel on YouTube (we’ve got more motivation tips, MyFitnessPal guides, and so much more).
Calendar a visit to the pharmacy for their free/inexpensive blood sugar and cholesterol checks (great for those of you who won’t go to the doctor) – these are usually on Saturdays before noon.
Do some bicep curls and lateral raises.
Do some rows.
Do some bridges.
Do some chest presses.
Do some overhead presses.
Do some tricep extensions.
Do some lunges.
Do some plies or side lunges.
Do an ab workout.
Plan tomorrow’s meals in MyFitnessPal.
Find a freezer recipe that you can make ahead for when life is busy (reach out if you need a good one that you’ll actually enjoy).
Make a freezer meal for your future busy self.
Do some leg circles and clamshells.
Put away your laundry so it’s easier to get ready (for life and for workouts).
Clean your kitchen so it’s easier to cook.
Clean out your refrigerator.
Clean out your pantry.
Remove one roadblock.
Get out your clothes for tomorrow (real life clothes as well as workout clothes).
Clean your bedroom so you will sleep better.
Clean off your bathroom counter so that you can find what you need more quickly.
Find a healthy takeout option (or reach out if you want help eating your fave takeout while still maintaining your progress).
Finish this sentence (and keep writing): my biggest accomplishment this week was _____.
Finish this sentence (and keep writing): this week, I was happiest when I _____.
Finish this sentence (and keep writing): I am really looking forward to ______.
Make a NOT to do list.
Create a visual reminder of your short-term goal, like a phone background or a post-it for your nightstand or monitor frame.
Test your cardio fitness (reach out if you need to know how to do it in 6 minutes or less).
Write down a goal you will achieve by the end of this week.
Try a new-to-you fruit or vegetable.
Simplify your breakfasts by writing down your four favorite meals and adjusting their macros to fit your goals (you can rotate through them for a month – probably forever – and not get sick of them).
Simplify your lunches by writing down your four favorite meals and adjusting their macros to fit your goals (you can rotate through them for a month – probably forever – and not get sick of them).
Simplify your dinners by writing down your four favorite meals and adjusting their macros to fit your goals (you can rotate through them for a month – probably forever – and not get sick of them).
Plan your snacks (the ones that will support your goals and fit your lifestyle) and add them to your grocery list.
Complete this sentence: I feel nurtured when I ________. Go do that thing.
Complete this sentence: I feel strong when I ________. Go do that thing.
Complete this sentence: I feel peace when I ________. Go do that thing.
There’s a lot of garbage fitness advice out there, and I REALLY try hard not to perpetuate any of it. Here’s some fitness advice that I think is usually garbage:
Try a new class (you might already have a class that you like, or it might not be the right class for you – it’s always a good time to go for a walk, but classes are a broader category and guidance is usually needed)
Find a workout buddy (this is YOUR journey and you have to count on yourself first)
Make a list of rewards (you won’t want them by the time you get there, and you can believe in yourself longer without setting yourself up for desperate hops from goody to goody)
Write down every step of every goal (it’s a waste of time – focus on what the NEXT step is and do that, then identify the next one….)
Try a meal service (you won’t stick with it forever, so I’d rather you have three or four things you can throw together on your own and enjoy)
Try a specific diet or workout (journeys are way too individualized to recommend anything to the population at large – even just the population of my studio!)
So no, I didn’t forget those “tips” – I just don’t see them work for most people, but I do know things that DO work for most people…like this 10 minute a day commitment.