Hey, if it helps you, too, the lunar new year isn’t until February 12. So, technically, it IS still 2020. Does that explain anything? It does for me, but it does NOT mean that you should just write off this time…I know you can still use it to keep making great progress toward your goals, and I have the most delicious links I’ve ever shared in this week’s round-up of tips just for you.
- I have been dying to share the tarte in this video (the one in the photo!)! Feel free to change the filling to fit your tastes and your macros…I whizzed together some silken tofu, pre-soaked walnuts, thyme, seasoned salt, and gluten-free breadcrumbs for a higher-protein option, but I think you could use her gorgeous topping on almost anything. (I also tend to skip crusts because they don’t work for my macros and I just don’t like crust and never have, except on pizza, so go wild with your modifications.)
- Easy breakfast ideas you’ve probably never thought of, including a brownie.
- Need a flavor injection? These meals are amazing and don’t require a ton of ingredients, but very different from what I usually link.
- Vegan high-protein meals (for real) – you don’t have to go vegan, but you might like some of these ideas if you’re looking for varied/cheaper/etc protein sources.
- Enough cooking! Let’s get moving – this cardio is for anyone.
- So is this workout – if you feel totally out of cardio shape, start here.
- Also, THIS one. This week, I got to work out live in a small group with the trainer who helps to create these workouts and it was a blast. (She’s the one showing the advanced version on the right side of the screen.)
Just can’t get to sleep? I have sworn by these meditation tracks (to be played once you’re already in bed with your head on your pillow and blankets fully activated) for years – they almost always work for me, and he has a WIDE variety. Remember, sleep is SO important for your muscle building and recovery, hormonal regulation (including the hormones that dictate if/when/where fat is stored or burned), and, you know, life.
Not sure how to plan or record your takeout meals in MyFitnessPal? Here are my tips.
What I’m meal prepping this week:
- something else – maybe a pizza?! – based on that tart from link #1 because it’s SO gorgeous
- cachapas – can I make a vegan queso de mano?! Thinking of starting from something like this vegan cheese
- fruit and veg – cleaning and chopping them ahead of time like last week because I ate a much wider variety of veggies that way
- protein bars…if they turn out, I will let you know how to make them!
- iced hibiscus tea and maybe some earl gray lattes
- something with peanut butter and oats because I have a lot nearing expiration
- raw chocolate brownies to make something like the breakfast in link #2
- the last of my baked winter squash – the first squash became oatmeal, cookie bars, and vegan mac and cheese last week
My for-me quick TRX combo (don’t forget to borrow this and modify it for your level or equipment if you want to!):
- squat – bicep curl (dumbbell modification for home: squat with bicep curl)
- face pull / underhand row (dumbbell modification for home: bent row, reverse fly)
- plank / pendulum (dumbbell modification for home: plank hold, rocking plank or shoulder tap plank, dolphin pose to plank rocks, slow bicycle)
(What is this? I plan my workouts just like I plan yours, but the fact is for many trainers that we don’t get to our workouts because we can’t be too sore to train our clients, we are injured, we are tired or underfueled, we are busy, we are only free during odd times of day that aren’t ideal for working out…so, to combat that, I’ve made myself weekly TRX mini-programs that take less than 20 minutes to execute and can be squeezed in to any free window I can find. I might not always use them, and they don’t totally replace my main workouts, but I think they will be helpful, even if I only do a piece of one! SO helpful that I’m sharing them with you each week, and you can feel free to follow along in your own way and at the level that’s right for you, modifying to use whatever equipment you have if you don’t have a TRX, if you need a workout idea for the week.)
See you here Sunday for next week’s group hike and a check in from week 2!