I’ve learned a lot in the last month-ish that I can’t wait to share – like how actually to cook healthy meals in the absence a real kitchen – and now it’s time for all the lovely spring veggies to be in season, so who needs to cook much anyway?! Let’s get going with some tips to make your next week even better than this one that’s wrapping up.
- Have you considered a farm share? I’ve had mixed experiences with CSAs and farmshares over the years, and I think I’ve tried just about every one in the Houston area at this point, but I just recently saw the GORGEOUS produce from Plant It Forward farms. Not sponsored whatsoever, I was just floored by the quality, the freshness, and the variety of things-people-actually-use veggies as opposed to my decade+ of aphid-ridden leaves for which I paid top dollar from other services. (If you’re close to the studio, they have share pickup and a farmstand right on the St. Thomas campus!)Pros of a farm share: produce is local and extra-fresh, so it’s even higher in antioxidants than grocery store produce that has traveled to get to us; you get a mix of staple veggies and new inspirationCons: you might still have to supplement with grocery store produce; we have some sad seasons in Houston with nothing but kale; you have to pick up on their schedule to get the good stuff (or pay extra for delivery)
My favorite spring veggie is the RADISH of all things – you can slice them thinly or julienne them and add them to anything, or sprinkle the slices with juuuust a touch of salt and enjoy them as they are. I am also partial to radishes with chives, hemp seeds, and cream cheese on whole grain bread (poached or over medium egg optional.) Also great on hummus, or as chips for scooping up hummus or other dips. What’s your favorite spring veggie arrival? (PS – if you, like someone I love, need ranch dressing in your life to make veggies happen, I totally recommend the Follow Your Heart ranch for being vegan, full of real food ingredients, and tasting just like that other ranch)
- I want to talk in depth about spring cleaning your fitness routine, but first I want to remind you how important it is to do your weekly review! Set it up however you’d like but ask yourself at least these three questions (in writing):
* What steps did I take toward my goals?
* What worked well for me?
* What do I need to change for next week?
…you will be amazed by how much faster you see your progress if you take 3 minutes to answer these questions every week! - Try this “brutal” HIIT workout and come tell me that it wasn’t actually that bad (I promise)
- I know I want you to learn how to eat healthy alllll by yourself, but did you know my favorite food magazine (nothing in this world is perfect, but it is authored by registered dietitians so at least the food advice is pretty on point!) has a TON of free meal plans? (Again, totally not sponsored.) Some recipes are fancy, others are like open a jar and put something on a tortilla, so pick your speed and feel free to pick and choose. (Ignore the 1200 calorie stuff…they have to write what sells, but you know better, right?!) A few faves:
15 minute dinners
Low-carb vegetarian meals
Anti-inflammatory low-carb meals
What I’m cooking this week (no meal prep or farm share over here rn):
- Lots of scrambled eggs and omelettes – they’re a great vehicle for any topping, especially leftovers, and they are also convenient no-carb wraps
- Frozen broccoli…see above. Been enjoying it with a little EVOO, lemon juice, and red pepper flakes.
- Tofu scramble to get back in the saddle
- Overnight oats – having a full-size refrigerator gives me room to make some tropical pineapple-coconut overnight oats (I have been using Culina coconut yogurt in my oats since there’s zero chance of me making my own yogurt like I had been and I love it!)
- Takeout…Bellagreen, Local Foods, and Vibrant are going to know me personally by the time I have a kitchen again!
- Waterloo blueberry sparkling water…why is it so delicious?
An 8-min dumbbell workout for you:
- Lunge (rear or curtsy) + lateral raise – 2 min, alternating legs
- Single leg deadlift + bicep curl – 2 min, alternating legs
- Squat + overhead press – 2 min
- Chest press + bridge isometric (hold that bridge the whole time) – 2 min