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Seven tiny ways to feel a little better right now (literally, now!) – weekly studio update

I’ve mentioned how we are already a few weeks in to excuse season, which runs concurrent with “I’m too busy to feel good” season. However, I want you to feel your best! Here are seven things you can today, mostly for free, many of them immediately, to find more energy, clarity, and calm:

  1.  Breathe deeply for 2 minutes
    I’m not sure I need to break this down…so I’ll remind you to sit nice and tall while you breathe. Get the oxygen you need and let your nervous system have a break for 2 minutes!
  2. Make sure you’re actually drinking enough water
    Most of my hydration conversations as a trainer include words like “kind of” or “basically”. You don’t need an app to track your hydration – and if you’re not sure you’re drinking enough, drink another half glass and see how you feel! Dehydration can feel like brain fog, anxiety, fatigue, hunger, restlessness, achy and stiff muscles….
  3. Take your vitamins instead of just looking at the bottles.
    Not explaining, just take them if you have supplements that you take!
  4. Take a walk, even if it’s just to the water cooler.
    Get moving just for a minute or two – your focus will thank you.
  5. Finish your next shower with a cold (or cool) rinse.
    You get to choose how cold you go – but a cool rinse at the end of your shower is great for helping your nervous system relax and building capacity (aka dropping some of that long-held stress).
  6. Enjoy some tea.
    Iced hibiscus tea is tasty and high in vitamin C, while the theanine and antioxidants in black tea can boost your concentration and help your long-term health. Give yourself a few minutes to enjoy the ritual of brewing up something healthy, too!
  7. Stretch!
    Release old movement patterns, prevent injury, and boost your circulation with a quick stretch break. Not sure what to do? Text me any time and I’ll send over my recommendations!

And for an even bigger boost, join one of our group classes this week. Don’t forget to keep working to fill in your Zumba tic tac toe card before the contest ends!

  • Saturday 9am Bootcamp (meets in the studio parking lot – sign in online and bring your mat)
  • Sunday 9am Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
  • Monday 6:30pm Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
  • Wednesday 7pm Zumba at Jerabeck Athletic Center (class meets upstairs – enter via the main door and use the first staircase on your right) Last class this week on May 3!!

Our full-length online Zumba and Bootcamp video classes are still waiting for you!  (get them right here if you haven’t yet)

See you just a few % healthier next week! xo