Some hot links to make your new year feel better and help your goals arrive a little sooner
Don’t forget to get in your 2 strength workouts and 90+ min of cardio this week!
Thank you so much to everyone who has continued to work out with us online during this …year…! If you’re trying to get back into…
October: new class schedule, new training offer, and new overnight oats recipe (ok, it’s not new).
I’m looking for two people who don’t already work out with me but who *do* want to train with me for free for six weeks. You don’t have to live in Houston! Read on for details.
What will your Valentine to yourself be this week? My recommendation: take a look at that thing you struggle with about yourself…but from someone else’s…
We are 35 days into 2019 – tell me what goals you’ve reached! You should have a goal to reach weekly, no matter how tiny, that is working toward your overall goals. Check out the special classes on the schedule this week, see what I buy at Trader Joe’s to…
What’s happening at the studio January 27 – Feb 2 or so.
I’ve come to realize that many people thought that the blog was an e-mail newsletter, so I will try to be diligent about meeting y’all…