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Happy New Year! – weekly studio update

The last time I made a big deal about a new year it was 2020, so just in case…I will merely wish you a peaceful and safe 2024 😅

And, in case you have set some goals for yourself at the start of this year, I have some reminders about just how to reach your goals, in the simplest way possible….

1. Write down your goals – and leave them where you can see them

Personally, I have the information I need to reach my goals written in my planner where I see it at least once a day (I actually printed it and taped it in since it was quite a bit for the start of the year) AND pinned in a note on my phone screen so that I see it constantly. Even though something is really important, it is still so easy to forget as the day goes on, so leave yourself as many helpful reminders as you need.

2. Think through all the steps.

I have been trying to get to my YouTube content backlog for years, but I just kept saying I didn’t have enough time. (Which might have been partly true.) What I definitely didn’t have was a fair and accurate list of all the steps that went into getting my projects done; I would think I just needed to get dressed, pop the phone into the tripod, and go.

But actually, I needed to…

  • set up a filming background, cleaning, painting, decorating, and rehoming items as needed
  • write a script
  • set up a timer so I could move through some of the movement-based videos at the right intervals
  • get dressed, including hair and makeup
  • set up the lighting, which can take some time because I’m usually filming at night and things can look very flat
  • charge the microphone
  • record, however many takes it needs to get things I think are right
  • edit
  • write captions and titles and edit a thumbnail
  • publish

Since I wasn’t allowing time for all of those steps, I felt frustrated with myself for not getting my “easy work” done…but really, I just wasn’t giving myself a fair shot.

I see this all the time as a trainer – not enough margin in the morning to get to the gym with enough time to work out as planned, not enough groceries purchased to cook the things that were planned, not enough honesty about how little time there is on a weekend and how few fairy godmothers there are who will show up to do our laundry so we can go on a three hour walk, meal prep, write a novel, catch up on sleep, and learn to kayak.

(So, do yourself a favor and be honest about all the steps! If you feel stuck, I’m here!!)

3. Do what will make a difference for you

At the start of the year I hear a lot about Whole30, Veganuary, 75 Hard, Couch to 5k, and other popular programs. I get the temptation, I really do! But before you pick out a program and get swept up in the river of new year’s enthusiasm, just ask yourself if it solves a problem that you really have. After all, you’re not a science experiment. A lot of those programs have some good takeaways, but they also have some downsides…but there’s an answer in the middle that is probably just right for you. And, if you’re not sure where to start, I’m here for you.

If you are trying to be more active, I salute you! My foremost recommendation is to get your steps in and do some sort of strength workout, probably not simultaneously. (Then we will talk about protein.)

You can do it! Set yourself up to succeed – I know you’ll get there.

Join me to get some steps in…

  • NEW TIME: Wednesday 6:30pm Zumba at Jerabeck Athletic Center (free; second floor dance studio, street parking) – resumes January 17!
  • Saturday 9:30am Zumba at Montrose Collective (free, meets at 888 Westheimer, street/garage parking, stay for gluten-free brunch at Picnik if you want, and make sure to use your Zumba discount at the Plant Project!)
  • Sunday 9am Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
  • Monday 6:30pm Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
  • BOOTCAMP is back at the studio, on a limited basis! (Class may meet indoors, depending on the weather.) January classes will be on 1/13 and 1/27 at 8am. Online signup opens Jan 6 – spots are limited