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More tiny changes to feel your best this week – weekly studio update

Feeling a little stuck? Here are my favorite tiny changes that you can make this week to feel better ASAP (yes, beyond what I just recommended a few weeks ago):

  1. Get moving in the morning
    Whether you walk, stretch, do a yoga video or your own quick yoga flow, do 50 jumping jacks, or knock out some TRX rows and roll outs, get moving for 5-10 minutes as part of your morning routine. Not only will you likely have more energy and focus for the day, your blood sugar management will be better – which means you can be a little more flexible, over time, in your food choices without sacrificing your results. Anecdotally, I also see about a 3% higher calorie expenditure for my day in my Apple Watch stats when I take a walk in the morning instead of taking the same walk in the afternoon.
  2. Incorporate maintenance movement
    Stiff neck? Cranky knee? Lazy glute? Spend 5 minutes every other day strengthening, mobilizing, or aligning that thing so that it doesn’t start a downward spiral, and so that you’re not always in pain or stuck in a rehab pattern when you’re trying to get stronger.
  3. Post yourself that reminder
    Whatever habit you’re trying to cultivate – meal planning, walking, drinking water, taking your vitamins – leave yourself a reminder where you can’t avoid it. It’s ok if you can’t remember – not even I can remember everything under the sun – so acknowledge your humanity and make it easy for yourself to succeed at your change.
  4. Get rid of the workout clothes you hate
    Make it easy to get up and out for your workout and cull that stretched-out sports bra, the leggings that roll down no matter what, and the shirt that just isn’t quite right.
  5. And buy the new shoes
    If you’re on my team of folks who’ve been saying they’ll replace their five year-old kicks because they’re tired of their knee pain, just buy the new shoes. They’re cheaper than your eventual phyisical therapy bill would be.
  6. Enjoy the early summer produce
    I know it’s still spring, technically, but the summer berries and cucumbers and squash and greens are all in top form. Fill your plate with colors and soak in your antioxidants while they’re in season!

And of course, these tiny changes…..

  • Sunday 9am Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
  • Monday 6:30pm Zumba (free, meets at Levy Park – 3801 Eastside)
  • Wednesday 7pm Zumba at Jerabeck Athletic Center (free / $5 suggested donation)
  • Saturday 9am Bootcamp (meets in the studio parking lot – sign in online and bring your mat)
  • Saturday 6/10 9:30am Zumba at Montrose Collective  – it’s time again! (free, 888 Westheimer, street/garage parking, stay for brunch if you want!)

Let me know what changes you’re making! See you at the studio and in class xo

PS – my favorite tiny changes I’ve made recently, aside opening up my schedule so I could get moving in the morning, are to lock myself out of most of the apps on my phone (especially email and my business instagram/facebook, but disincluding spotify and netflix) from 10pm to 7am, leaving water where I can see it so I actually drink it, and keeping up with my meal prep, both meals I cook and bars that I keep on hand for unexpectedly busy days. Starting my day without phone dopamine surges has been way better than I could have imagined! I encourage you to try it if you’re feeling sluggish or if life feels underwhelming.